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Fundamentals III: PeRfoRmAnce

Mondays, April 14 - May 5, 11 - 1:30

Starts Apr 14West 15th Street

Available spots


In this course, we will focus on where the rubber meets the road, where the actor has to meet the challenge of the text and find something in the technique to help them. This class is all about application. We will work on Personal Atmosphere, Objective Atmosphere, PG for the objective, PG for the Archetype, the Three Sisters and more. Fundamentals I&II are required prequisites for this course, or any comparable introductory class in the technique. April 14 - May 5 Mondays 11:00am - 1:30pm $375 138 West 15th Street, NYC There is a 7-day cancellation policy for this class. If you would like a full refund, please cancel by April 7. Photo Credit : Zhenyu Meng


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