Fundamentals II: PRActice
Mondays, March 3 - 31 (skip 3/17), 2:30 - 5 pm
Available spots
Fundamentals II: Practice is for anyone who has completed a Fundamentals I course. In Fundamentals I we lay the groundwork for the technique by teaching the principles of the work. In Fundamentals II, we put the principles to work. Our work will be centered around Psychological Gesture, Imaginary Centers, images, and Character work. March 3 - 31 (skip March 17) Mondays 2:30 - 5:00pm ET $375 cash discount - please email for details There is also a discount for registering for both Fund I & II at the same time. 138 West 15th Street, NYC There is a 7-day cancellation policy for this class. If you would like a full refund, please cancel by March 3. Photo Credit : Zhenyu Meng